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Fall 2021 Inclusive Teaching Practicum

As we enter the new academic year, it is more important than ever to reconnect with one another and to find ways to support our students and enhance their engagement and learning.

This August, we launched the inaugural Inclusive Teaching Practicum at Northwestern, and over 100 faculty, staff, and graduate students participated! Based on the University’s Principles of Inclusive Teaching, this three-week cohort-based online program is designed for instructors of all levels, backgrounds, and teaching contexts to deepen their understanding of how their identities, positionality, and practices (as well as those of their students) impact course climate and student learning, and to reflect on how they may interrogate and de-center dominant perspectives and content.

We are now offering the program again, and registration is open for the October (10/11-10/29) and November (11/1-11/19) iterations. To secure your spot, please register by September 27, 2021 for October and by October 17, 2021 for November.

Who can participate?

Faculty of all levels, staff who teach, graduate instructors, and teaching assistants are welcome to participate. We do recommend that you have been a TA at least one time (or have had some experience teaching) before participating.

What is involved?

For three (3) weeks, participants will attend four (4) hours of synchronous sessions per week. Each week includes two (2) core sessions (1.5 hours each) and one cohort meeting. Some sessions include brief pre-work. There are also opportunities to learn from and consult with experts and peers. Please see the program descriptions and schedules for October here and for November here.

If you didn’t join us in August, we hope that you’ll register to participate later this fall!

If you have any questions about the Inclusive Teaching Practicum, please email

The Inclusive Teaching Practicum is a collaboration of the Searle Center for Advancing Learning and Teaching, AccessibleNU, the Office of Equity, Social Justice Education, University Libraries, Human Resources, The Inclusive STEM Teaching Project, Teaching and Learning Technologies, The School of Professional Studies and the Office of the Provost.

Susanna Calkins, Ph.D. (she/her/hers)
Interim Director, Searle Center for Advancing Learning and Teaching

Categories: Broad Interest