Resources for Directors of Graduate Studies
The Graduate School (TGS) provides various resources for Directors of Graduate Studies (DGS), including:
- A dedicated Canvas site titled TGS Resources for Directors of Graduate Studies. Please email TGS Academic Affairs to request access.
- Our DGS Position Description outlines the role and responsibilities of a DGS.
- This guide lists resources for assisting and referring graduate students.
- TGS hosts “DGS 101” each fall, offering useful resources to faculty new to this role. During this orientation, TGS staff present on the duties and responsibilities of the DGS, the admissions process, TGS policies, and other pertinent information. Please email TGS Academic Affairs for additional information.
- TGS’s Admissions and Recruitment System (CollegeNET) is the unified application, admission, and recruitment platform used by TGS. Information about access and training materials may be found here.