Brain Awareness Outreach (NUBAO) Early outreach to Chicago area youths by organizing fun, engaging and innovative hands-on activities to educate, excite and inspire children about the brain.
Graduate Women Across Northwestern (GWAN) An interdisciplinary organization that seeks to create community building opportunities for women in Northwestern graduate and professional programs, GWAN partners with Chicago Girls on the Run (volunteers become running buddies to young girls completing their first 5K) and other local organizations.
Book Drive: Collect book donations to provide women at prisons across the country with educational materials.
Lab Tour: Graduate students guide middle school students from underserved communities through Northwestern Labs to engage younger children in science, and explain their experiences in science.
Ronald McDonald Cookies from the Heart: Bake cookies with Ronald McDonald House Charities for families with sick children staying at the hospital.
McCormick Graduate Leadership Council (MGLC) The MGLC Engineering Grand Prix is an annual all-day event where graduate students mentor school students on engineering project challenges. In addition, MGLC also hosts monthly ‘Science in your community center’-SICC Saturdays, where McCormick graduate students get middle schoolers excited in science through fun learning activities.
Graduate Student Association (GSA) The GSA organizes and conducts service events for members of the University and greater Chicago/Evanston communities throughout the year. Current and most recent events include:
Earth Day Park Clean Up: Volunteered with the greater Evanston community to help clean the Clark Street Beach
Valentine's Day Card Making: Decorated Valentines for residents at the a local nursing home
Evanston Vineyard Food Pantry: Volunteered with other community members to feed 200+ local Chicago residents
Annual 5K and 10K Run/Walk: Proceeds from the event are donated to The Cradle, a Chicago-based adoption agency. The GSA 5K Run is an annual event that invites graduate students from various disciplines.
Black Graduate Student Association (BGSA) BGSA organizes both quarterly and on-going community service efforts as a means of giving back to underserved communities in the Evanston and Chicagoland areas.
Alliance of Chicago Minority Students (ACMS) ACMS hosts an annual Valentine’s Day Fundraiser on the Chicago Campus. Proceeds from this fundraiser go towards purchasing backpacks for their Back-to-School Backpack Drive in the Fall. The Back-to-School Backpack Drive provides at least five elementary school age students in the Chicagoland area with a backpack full of the supplies required for the students' class. In the fall, ACMS hosts their annual Canned Food Drive and Winter Clothes Drive to prepare families for winter in Chicago.