For Staff
The following links provide Northwestern staff with information and forms to assist students, postdocs, and faculty of The Graduate School (TGS).
Find information and tools related to grant and fellowship submissions, special funding requests, postdoctoral appointments, and general information relating to visiting predoctoral fellows.
Please review the following sections/documents for more information related to:
- Funding Guidelines and Tools
- Visiting Predoctoral Trainees
- TGS's Admissions and Recruitment System
- TGS Expense Guidelines and Tips (summary)
- Expense Policies and Best Practices (detailed)
TGS Unit Overview for Program Staff
The following overview lists key units within TGS that work closely with program staff and highlights the main responsibilities of each of these units. Please refer to this resource to help guide who to contact in TGS for assistance.
- For questions related to degree requirements, email Academic Student Services.
- For questions related to grants, awards and financial aid, email TGS Financial Aid.