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Summer Institute: Psychoanalysis & Politics

The Summer Institute of Psychoanalysis “Psychoanalysis AND,” a joint venture of Northwestern University and the Sorbonne Nouvelle that was inaugurated in 2017, develops topics at the intersection of psychoanalysis and the human sciences.  We are pleased to announce that the 2022 session takes place from June 27 through July 1 in Paris and focuses on the topic of “Psychoanalysis and Politics.”  Taught in English, the Institute proposes an intensive week of study for doctoral and postdoctoral students in the humanities from Europe, Israel, Latin America, and USA.  If you are interested in attending, please send your CV and a 400-word statement of interest by January 28, 2022 to Alessia Ricciardi ( or Isabelle Alfandary (

This year’s topic allows participants to interrogate anew the relationship between the discovery of the unconscious and the social and political field.  Although centered on the subject, psychoanalysis understood as both theory and practice offers intuitions and ideas that have proven to be consequential beyond the individual.  Which is the specific contribution of psychoanalysis to our understanding of the social contract?  In what ways is the political field traversed by affects and movements that become more intelligible thanks to psychoanalysis?  Taught by Isabelle Alfandary and Alessia Ricciardi, this year’s main seminar, "Reframing Melancholia: How Gender, Race, and Climate Change Are Transforming the Notions of Mourning and Melancholia,” revisits foundational texts in psychoanalysis and philosophy in light of some of the most intractable challenges of our times.  Our team of French and international faculty will lead several additional talks and sessions:

  • Monique David-Ménard, “Comment le psychanalyse peut-elle intervenir en politique”
  • Diana Kamienny, “Ernesto Laclau, Judith Butler: In Transference to Psychoanalysis”
  • Axel Nesme, “Political Lacan”
  • Vladimir Pinheiro Safatle, “Listening to the Collision: The Emergence of Social Conflict in Clinical Situations”

Categories: Social Sciences