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Ver Steeg Awards

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Named for Clarence Ver Steeg, PhD, former Northwestern University Professor in History and Dean of The Graduate School from 1975 to 1986, this award annually recognizes one outstanding graduate faculty member and one non-faculty staff member for excellence in working with TGS students and/or postdoctoral scholars.

Graduate faculty members play a critical role in supporting and encouraging the academic and professional development of graduate students and/or postdoctoral scholars. They are advisers and role models for students and postdocs in research, ethical conduct, professional responsibility, and personal development. The Clarence Ver Steeg Graduate Faculty Award provides The Graduate School community the opportunity to recognize an individual faculty member for their outstanding efforts in these areas.

Staff members play important roles in the academic and personal well-being of graduate students and/or postdoctoral scholars. They welcome, orient, advise, encourage, support, and advocate for their needs. The skills of Northwestern's professional, administrative, and support staff play a significant role in graduate education and contribute to the overall graduate experience. The Clarence Ver Steeg Staff Award provides The Graduate School community the opportunity to recognize an individual staff member for their outstanding efforts in these areas.

Clarence Ver Steeg Graduate Award recipients will be recognized with a certificate of recognition and a monetary award.

View nomination procedures View Past Recipients