Holiday Greetings from TGS! ✨
Dear members of The Graduate School (TGS) community,
I hope the holidays provide an opportunity to relax and unwind as you spend time with the people and pursuits you enjoy. The year’s end serves as a worthy time of introspection and reflection. It is a chance to emerge with renewed zeal and purpose as we enter a new year.
I applaud you all for your perseverance and strength of character in these ever-changing times and admire the dreams and discoveries you continue to realize. Your scholarship and impactful achievements make Northwestern an esteemed and respected place of learning.
To be our best, we must grant ourselves space to simply contemplate and ponder. It is important to recognize our progress and celebrate our accomplishments with family and friends. No matter how you spend the holidays, I hope you find a way to linger in the realization of the difference you are making in our community and the world at large.
May the magic and wonder of the season bring you comfort and joy.
Warm regards,
Kelly E. Mayo
Walter and Jennie Bayne Professor of Molecular Biosciences
Dean of The Graduate School and
Associate Provost for Graduate Education
Categories: From the Dean