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Electrical Engineering

Degree Types: MS, PhD

The Electrical Engineering (EE) division in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers programs leading to the MS and PhD degrees in EE.  Areas of study include Solid-State, Photonic, and Quantum Technologies (design, analysis, and proof-of-concept development of solid-state and photonic devices and systems) and Signals and Systems (communication networks, signal processing, and control).  When applying to the PhD or MS program, students should specify EE as the division which will represent their major field of study.

EE faculty also participate in other graduate programs on campus. For details and contact information, see the respective web sites for each program:

Additional resources:

Degree Requirements

The following requirements are in addition to, or further elaborate upon, those requirements outlined in The Graduate School Policy Guide.

Common Requirements

Three plans are available, as shown below.  For all three plans, the following are required:

  • A total of 12 units.
  • All courses must be at the 300-level or higher.
    • Effective September 9, 2019, ELEC_ENG 302-0 Probabilistic Systems is considered a graduate-level course and can be counted.
  • At least 9 courses from Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or Computer Science.  Any courses taken outside ECE or CS must be approved by the student's advisor.
  • At least 6 courses having the ELEC_ENG prefix, with the following exceptions: ELEC_ENG 499-0 Projects and ELEC_ENG 590-0 Research do not count towards these six, but COMP_ENG 303-0 Advanced Digital Design and COMP_ENG 391-0 CMOS VLSI Circuit Design do count towards these six.
  • At least 3 courses at the 400-level or above, including ELEC_ENG 499-0 Projects but not including ELEC_ENG 590-0 Research.
  • The only P/N course acceptable for the master's degree program is ELEC_ENG 590-0 Research.
  • Additional requirements are listed in the ECE graduate study manual.

Plan 1: Thesis

Additional requirements:

  • Up to three credits may be ELEC_ENG 590-0 Research.
  • written thesis is required, in a format specified by the thesis committee.

Plan 2: Project

Additional requirements:

  • Up to two credits may be ELEC_ENG 590-0 Research.
  • project report is required, in a format specified by the project committee.

Plan 3: Course-only

Additional requirements:

  • ELEC_ENG 590-0 Research may not be included in the 12 required units.

Last Updated: September 6, 2024

Degree Requirements

The following requirements are in addition to, or further elaborate upon, those requirements outlined in The Graduate School Policy Guide.

The PhD program in Electrical Engineering is divided into two Programs of Study:

  • Solid-State, Photonic, and Quantum Technologies
  • Signals and Systems

There are requirements common to both Programs as well as additional requirements specific to each Program.

Common Requirements

Course Requirements

  • EE requires a minimum of 15 graded courses that count for graduate (TGS) credit, not including ELEC_ENG 590-0.  The cumulative grade point average over these graded courses must be a B (3.0 GPA) or higher.  Courses that provide zero units of credit do not count toward these 15 units.
  • At least 6 of these 15 units must be 400- or 500-level courses.
  • At most 2 of these 15 units can be ELEC_ENG 499-0.  This course is reserved for projects that are not directly related to the research required for the PhD thesis or for readings in specific subjects for which the ECE Department has no regular courses. ELEC_ENG 499-0 is not intended to replace or augment the required units of ELEC_ENG 590-0.
  • All PhD students are required to complete the zero-credit Responsible Conduct for Research Training (GEN_ENG 519-0) during their first year.
  • A student's adviser may require more than the minimum number of courses. In such cases, the number of required ELEC_ENG 590-0 units will be reduced accordingly.

Other PhD Requirements

  • Teaching Requirement
  • Qualifying Examination
  • Prospectus
  • Dissertation
  • Final Exam (dissertation defense)

Additional requirements and processes are detailed in the Electrical Engineering Graduate Study Guide.

Solid-State, Photonic, and Quantum Technologies

Course Requirements

Total Units Required: 15

Course Title
Core courses in Solid-State, Photonic, and Quantum Technologies
Each student must take 5 of the following courses:
ELEC_ENG 382-0
Photonic Information Processing
ELEC_ENG 383-0
Fiber-Optic Communications
ELEC_ENG 388-0
ELEC_ENG 401-0
Fundamentals of Electronic Devices
ELEC_ENG 402-0
Advanced Electronic Devices
ELEC_ENG 403-0
Quantum Semiconductors
ELEC_ENG 404-0
Quantum Electronics
ELEC_ENG 405-0
Advanced Photonics
ELEC_ENG 406-0
Nonlinear Optics
ELEC_ENG 411-0
Fundamentals and Applications of Special Relativity
Area-specific courses in Solid-State, Photonic, and Quantum Technologies
Electives must be approved by the student's adviser, and may include the following courses:
ELEC_ENG 333-0
Introduction to Communication Networks
ELEC_ENG 381-0
Electronic Properties of Materials
ELEC_ENG 384-0
Solid State Electronic Devices
ELEC_ENG 385-0
ELEC_ENG 389-0
Superconductivity and Its Applications
ELEC_ENG 407-0
Quantum Optics
ELEC_ENG 408-2
Computational Electrodynamics
ELEC_ENG 409-0
Semiconductor Lasers
ELEC_ENG 422-0
Random Processes in Communications and Control 1
ELEC_ENG 423-0
Random Processes in Communications and Control 2
ELEC_ENG 424-0
Distributed Optimization
ELEC_ENG 425-0
Introduction to Nanoscale Lasers, Quantum Noise, Photons, and Measurement
ELEC_ENG 427-0
Optical Communications
ELEC_ENG 428-0
Information Theory and Learning
ELEC_ENG 429-0
Selected Topics in Quantum Information Science and Technology
ELEC_ENG 454-0
Advanced Communication Networks
ES_APPM 411-1
Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics

Signals and Systems

Course Requirements

Total Units Required: 15

Course Title
Courses in Signals and Systems
Each student must complete a sequence of courses in an area of specialization according to the recommendation of the adviser. These courses may be in Signals and Systems and other areas. Courses in Signals and Systems may include:
ELEC_ENG 307-0
Communications Systems
ELEC_ENG 332-0
Introduction to Computer Vision
ELEC_ENG 333-0
Introduction to Communication Networks
ELEC_ENG 359-0
Digital Signal Processing
ELEC_ENG 360-0
Introduction to Feedback Systems
ELEC_ENG 363-0
Digital Filtering
ELEC_ENG 374-0
Introduction to Digital Control
ELEC_ENG 378-0
Digital Communications
ELEC_ENG 380-0
Wireless Communications
ELEC_ENG 395-0
Special Topics in Electrical Engineering (Cardiovascular Instrumentation)
ELEC_ENG 410-0
System Theory
ELEC_ENG 418-0
Advanced Digital Signal Processing
ELEC_ENG 420-0
Digital Image Processing
ELEC_ENG 421-0
Multimedia Signal Processing
ELEC_ENG 422-0
Random Processes in Communications and Control 1
ELEC_ENG 423-0
Random Processes in Communications and Control 2
ELEC_ENG 424-0
Distributed Optimization
ELEC_ENG 426-0
Signal Detection and Estimation
ELEC_ENG 427-0
Optical Communications
ELEC_ENG 428-0
Information Theory and Learning
ELEC_ENG 431-0
Human Perception and Electronic Media
ELEC_ENG 432-0
Advanced Computer Vision
ELEC_ENG 433-0
Statistical Pattern Recognition
ELEC_ENG 435-0
Deep Learning: Foundations, Applications, and Algorithms
ELEC_ENG 454-0
Advanced Communication Networks
ELEC_ENG 463-0
Adaptive Filters
ELEC_ENG 470-0
Introduction to Nonlinear Control Theory
ELEC_ENG 473-0
Deep Reinforcement Learning
ELEC_ENG 475-0
Machine Learning: Foundations, Applications, and Algorithms
ELEC_ENG 478-0
Advanced Digital Communications
ELEC_ENG 495-0
Special Topics in Electrical Engineering (Cardiovascular Instrumentation)

Last Updated: September 6, 2024