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In 2021, The Graduate School added honorable mention distinctions to each category in celebration of 125 years of the PhD degree being awarded at Northwestern.

2021 Ver Steeg Awards


Tiffany Schmidt, PhD | Associate Professor, Department of Neurobiology

Tiffany Schmidt, PhD

Faculty Award

"Dr. Schmidt is a tireless advocate for students in the NUIN PhD program. She serves as Chair of the Admissions Committee and a key member of the Advisory Board. This year, Dr. Schmidt led an effort to incorporate holistic review and anti-bias training for all members of the Admissions committee, and as a result we have a historically high percentage of URM interviewees. She also is co-organizing a new course in NUIN that will provide students with practical guidance in oral presentations."

geiger--reno.pngHonorable Mention Distinction

  • Franz Geiger, PhD
    Professor, Department of Chemistry

  • William Reno, PhD
    Department of Political Science

Deborah Klos Dehring, PhD | Associate Director, Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences (IBiS) Graduate Program

Deborah Klos Dehring, PhD

Staff Award

"Deborah advocates for graduate student needs in many ways, both in institutional support within IBiS as well as emotional support that improves the IBiS community. She listens to student concerns and feedback and uses that to tailor new institutional programming/systems to address those concerns. Examples include the creation of the IBiS Peer Mentor Program, the NSF GFRP Application Workshop, and the BioProfessionals series, which include panels with people of varying biology career paths, workshops for CV/resume writing and grant writing."

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  • Stephen Pedersen
    Graduate Coordinator, Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences

  • Dawn Washington
    Program Assistant, Screen Cultures and Department of Radio/Television/Film