Kiki Zissimopoulos
RCTP Instructional Coordinator, Associate Professor of Instruction, McCormick School of Engineering
Kiki Zissimopoulos is the instructional coordinator for the Research Communication Training Program (RCTP). She is an Associate Professor of Instruction and First-Year Adviser in Undergraduate Engineering. She co-teaches Design Thinking and Communication and Designing your Life and advises about 100 first-year students. Kiki became especially interested in science communication after participating in the inaugural offering of RCTP (then called RSG) as a biomedical engineering graduate student. Her post-graduate work as an internal consultant and education researcher helped her see how insights about how people learn overlap with insights about effective science communication. Prior to returning to Northwestern, she was the co-founder of a science communication course sequence for undergraduates at the University of Chicago. With faculty support, she successfully advocated for these courses to count toward the major requirements in biology, providing formal recognition of the importance of science communication skills as part of an undergraduate degree. Kiki is also an invited speaker for various science communication workshops in the Chicago area. She is excited to carry forward the efforts of Michelle Paulsen and Alex Adler, RCTP’s founders.