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Become a TGS-Affiliated Organization

Community and fellowship are important pillars to a successful academic experience. To emphasize and encourage these pillars of success, The Graduate School (TGS) sponsors a number of affiliated graduate student and postdoctoral scholar organizations through our TGS Office of Student Life (OSL).

TGS-affiliated organizations are primarily under TGS graduate student and/or postdoctoral scholar leadership and predominantly serve The Graduate School community.

The benefits and services provided by Northwestern University’s student groups are available to all students without regard to any category protected by the law. The University believes different perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds are critical to a dynamic and vibrant University community, and as such all students are welcomed and encouraged to join each group.

Privileges and Recognition Accompanying TGS-Affiliation

** Specific to graduate student organizations

Graduate student organization leader shaking hands with student

New Organizations Applying for TGS Affiliation

Are you interested in starting a new organization under TGS? Please see below for preemptive considerations and application process!

Considerations to make before applying

*** If the answer is no, you should consider seeking affiliation with another department, program, school, or Northwestern office.

For those seeking to legitimize their organization under another Northwestern entity, see SOFO and COFO regarding their new account processes.

Please email TGS Director of Student Life Lauren-Ashley Buchanan with any additional questions.

Applying for TGS Affiliation

Preemptive Requirements:

  1. At least five members to start
    1. Namely five people who are interested and invested in the organization
  2. Regularly scheduled meetings intended for your inaugural year
  3. Mission statement, purpose, and TGS-adjacent values
  4. Adviser
    1. All registered student organizations must have an approved adviser. Any Northwestern University faculty or staff member is eligible to serve as the group’s official adviser.
    2. Postdoctoral Scholars: Please email TGS Associate Director of Postdoctoral Affairs Beth Healey regarding an adviser for your organization.
  5. Constitution (after approved)

Use of Northwestern University Name & Trademarks

Application and Decision Schedule

  1. Applications will not be reviewed until the submission deadline. Exceptions will not be made for groups seeking to access campus privileges immediately.
  2. Decisions will be announced within one month of the application due date – Approved, Rejected, Deferred (with notes if rejected or deferred.)
  3. If approved, organization leaders will then need to apply for a SOFO or COFO account depending on where the organization will function primarily (i.e., Evanston or Chicago campuses, respectively) with TGS listed (and signing off) as the advocate authority.

TGS-Affiliation Application

2024–25 Deadline: Friday, February 7, 2025

Please email TGS Director of Student Life Lauren-Ashley Buchanan with any additional questions.

Graduate Student Organization Application Form